The wind blows across your face as you look to the
horizon with binoculars. A pistol is strapped to your leg and a machinegun slung over your shoulder. You stand on the battlements of a stone and iron
fortress along with your regiment. You all are dressed in boots and camouflage,
bullet proof vests, various weapons, and a keen countenance. Amid the array of
watchful eyes is a Man who stands a head above the rest. He is not armed to the
hilt as everyone else for He does not need weapons. None looks Him in the eye
as He stands at your right, His hands crossed over His brawny chest. He is
called Guardian and it was He who helped you build the fortress and the army
“Keep watching.” You grimace. “You don’t want someone
inside who shouldn’t be. Remember the fire? That dangerous boy almost killed us
all and we could have shot him before he corrupted everything. Glad that’s over
with. But you weren’t here to watch.” Your nostrils flare at the mention of
recent failures, but you hold your tongue. “Watch. And keep watching.”
You lift your chin and obey. You see threw the binoculars
a dirt road that winds through the countryside and meets with your fortress
gate. Some of your men lie behind trees, their faces painted with browns and
greens to hide even more. They wait, their hand on the trigger and ear close to
the walkie-talkie. You look to the road again. You stiffen. A truck approaches,
a trailer filled with cargo bounces behind. “There,” you whisper and hear
Guardian take up His own binoculars. You seize your walkie-talkie and draw it
close. “Red Team, copy.”
“Copy for Red Team. Go ahead Team Leader.”
“Stranger approaching. Three o’clock. Surround and
take in for questioning.”
“Copy, Team Leader.”
You watch through your binoculars as your men get into
position. Without a sound, they leap from hiding and the truck screeches to a
stop. A man is pulled from the driver’s seat and forced to the ground. He obeys
with wide eyes and a paled face. His trailer is unloaded and the contents
strewed across the road. You watch as your men pick through one thing at a
time. The newcomer’s hands are bound behind him and he is dragged to his feet.
With machineguns pressed against his back, he is led to the fortress.
“Open the gate,” you shout and hear the sound of metal
gears grind! You eye the stranger as he enters your fortress and you glance at Guardian.
“Well? What do you think of him?”
“That takes time—” Guardian turns and looks down at you,
His eyes narrowed and jaw set. You look away and clasp your hands behind your
back. “I’ll question him then,” you mutter.
“I urge you to do these things to keep you safe,”
Guardian shakes His head. “Not to burden you.” You glance at Him and see the sincerity
in His gaze. “Choose what you would rather have: relax and let anyone come in
and out of your fortress to corrupt, and start fires, and murder the men. Or, take
everyone captive and learn who they truly are?”
You lift your chin and walk down the stairs. “Let’s go
talk with him,” you say and follow Guardian to the interrogation room. Men
guard the doorway and salute Guardian as both of you pass. The interrogation
room is small and lit by a naked bulb which hangs over a metal table. The
stranger is seated at the table and his hands are tied to his chair. Solders
stand on his right and his left, fingers on their trigger. You eye the man and
look him up and down. He is dressed in cowboy boots, jeans, and a worn shirt. A
baseball cap sits cockeyed his tuft of black hair and his eyes, brown like
chocolate, dart this way and that. You sit across from him and state your name.
“I am the keeper of this fortress. Everything within these walls first belonged
to me, then I gave it to Guardian.” You motion to the hulk of a man behind you.
“And in turn He gave me the responsibility of its protection. Now, we can do
things the hard way or the easy way. I have no intention of killing your. So,
what’s your name?”
The man looks from you to Guardian and back again. He
licked his lips and swallows hard. “Um, Sam,” his voice cracks and he clears
his throat.
“Where do you come from?”
“And what brings you here?”
“I’m a teacher. I’ve come to teach the children who
live here.”
Your brows raise. “A teacher, huh? And what do you
“The basics. Math, reading, writing, geography, and so
on. But, my passion is teaching warfare. The logistics of building a fortress
and protecting it well.”
“So tell me,” you lean across the table. “How would
one protect their fortress?”
“Well,” Sam continues, “you must build a firm fortress
first. Something with one door, and no other openings. Not even windows.
Nothing can get in or out without the founder’s say so. It must be watched, all
day every day, with guns and weapons ready in case of an attack.”
“And who would attack?”
“Oh, um . . . there’s several enemies. Murderers,
thieves, tricksters. Anything that could ruin the peace in the fortress.”
“And what is done to any threats?”
Sam looks you in the eye and holds your gaze. “They
are killed. There and then. Without warning.”
You grin and sit back. You stare at Sam then look up
to Guardian. “What do You think? I think he’s fine.”
Guardian stares at Sam and Sam cannot look His way.
Guardian nods and looks back to you. “He’s fine.”
Sam breathes out a deep, loud sigh and a smile lights
his eyes. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”
“You will be watched still,” you say as you stand.
“One of my guards will follow you around until you prove yourself. I think you
will do fine, but just to make sure, my guard will shoot you on the spot if you
do anything to threaten my fortress.”
Sam nods and looks up at you. “I should hope nothing
less.” His hands are untied and he stands. “Pleasure meeting you,” he says and
you two shake hands.
“Likewise. See you around.” You turn to leave the
interrogation room, but stop. Your men at arms have another person bound and
held captive. It is a woman and she stares at you with wide eyes. You study her
in the brief moment of silence you have. Her long hair is done up and her dress
drags the ground. Her chest heaves with each breath and fear darkens her blue
eyes. Sam clears his throat and passes by with a respectful nod to you and
“And who is this?” you ask.
“I’m Tina,” the woman says. She looks to the gun tied
to your leg and trembles.
“Bring her in,” you say and seat yourself at the table
once again. “Alright, Tina,” you stare at her as she is tied to the chair.
“What brings you to my fortress?”
“I’m a shopkeeper,” she whispers, her voice small. “I
. . . I’ve come to make an honest living.”
“Really. Alright, what do you sell?”
“Bread. I’m a baker. Treats too, like pastries,
sweetened muffins, cakes, and such. Very nice things that I’m sure your
fortress and people will enjoy.”
You nod. That does sound nice. You have not tasted a
slice of cake in years. “Very well. I think that. . . .” Your voice trails off
as you notice her necklace. It consists of a cord tied to a small, wooden box.
You stare at it and blink. “What is that? What’s in it?”
“Oh, this?” Tina glances down at the trinket. “That
holds some special, rare . . . things. I might use them for my business, or a
side job. They are so lovely I think everyone should have some. Especially
you.” You look at her as a smile pulls her lips up. “Yes, you are a good
commander I see. You should have some now.”
Your eyes narrow and you look to the box. “What is
“Open it and see.” Guardian’s eyes flash between you two,
but He says nothing. You reach forward and remove the necklace from her. You
open the box and look in. Your heart quickens. Your eyes widen. A grin plays
with your mouth. It was what the small, hidden side of you wanted! So
beautiful! So lovely! And it came to you. At last!
“Is this all you have?” you ask.
Tina shakes her head. “I have more. Much more.” You
look to her and back into the box.
Guardian studies your face and shakes His head. “Bad.
You know it.” You force yourself to breathe as your hands itch to remove the desired
thing. You don’t move. You watch Guardian out of the corner of your eye. You
see He disapproves and you remember He will not force you to do anything. You
alone must choose what happens: If Tina should go, or should she stay with her trinkets
you crave? Guardian says your name. You ignore him.
Tina watches you, and you feel her gaze burn through
you. “Keep it,” she whispers. “As a gift. And when I move into the fortress. .
. .” You meet her gaze. “I’ll show you more.”
“Remember the fire,” Guardian says. “Remember how innocent
the boy seemed. How pleasant it began, but then disaster struck. You lost
sixteen of your best men to the flames!”
“I only offer you freedom,” Tina whispers. “A freedom
He cannot give; the freedom of desire.”
“She will destroy us!” Guardian hisses. “All of us!
The women and children too!”
“I’m here only to serve you, master.” You swallow hard
at Tina’s words. “To serve you better than anyone else can.”
“Kill her.”
“I have other things too. Better things. Things you’ve
only dreamed of!” Your heart races within you.
Guardian shouts your name. “Kill her!”
“Don’t lose this chance,” Tina warns. “Don’t let it
slip away.” You look down into the box and close your eyes tight. “Let me
“End her!”
“And I will open your eyes to new and—”
The room fills with a blast. The guards flinch, then relax.
Tina, her eyes rolled back and mouth gaped open, falls and collapses to the
ground. Blood trickles from the bullet hole through her temple. Smoke lifts to
the room’s ceiling. You raise your chin and draw back your outstretched pistol.
You slam the box shut and hand it to Guardian. “Deal with this. Please.” Your
voice shakes. “I am . . . it will be my undoing.”
Guardian smiles as He takes hold of the box. “Well
done.” He lays a hand on your shoulder. “I’m proud of you.”
You look his way with a smile. You glance down at Tina
and glare. “Well done, men,” you say and walk towards the door. “Clean this up,
then back to your posts.” They salute and you walk out of the room, back to the
battlements. “Where will you put the box?”
Guardian looks down at you and you glance away. “I
will worry about that. And don’t think of it anymore. Keep watch on the wall.”
“Yes, Sir.” You grab the binoculars again and look to
the horizon. You heave a deep sigh and feel your shoulders relax. Another fiend
dealt with. You straighten your back, determined not to allow other threats to enter
and destroy your fortress. You keep watch. . . .
. . . . and you will not be moved.
to Consider:
Do you know how to
“take captive every thought” (2 Corinthians 10:5b)?
What do you do
when a potentially compromising thought knocks at the fortress of your mind?
Is your mind a
fortress or an open door?
Can you recognize
dangerous thoughts before they reach your mind?
How do you deal
with them?
Why is it so vital
to protect your mind?
How does God help
protect your mind?