I'm going to be open and be venerable
right now and share a little bit about myself. Why? Because I want to encourage
you to be yourself.
really? Everyone talks about that. Its stupid! I know myself! I'm fine with me!
Can't we talk about something else?"
No, because
most of the time, right when we think we know who we are, we learn something
new about ourselves. First, I will tell you how I used to be. When I was a kid,
mostly in middle school (which is everyone’s favorite time in life. Not!) I did
not know who I was. Most people don't because that's when everything in life is
turn on its head and we think we're going crazy as our bodies change. I didn't
know who I was because I was afraid to find out the real me. What if I didn't
like me? What if I disappointed me? Worst of all! What if everyone else doesn't
like the real me? What will they think? Things you've never thought of before
I'm sure. (I hope you can hear my sarcasm.)
I was always
afraid of what other people thought of me, especially peers, and I hated myself
aid the whole world because of it. I barley knew me, and the few aspects I did,
I didn't like.
So what
changed? What forced me out of my scaredy cat self? Well, I'll tell you.
I got sick
of it. You heard me, I got sick of it. A determined, tenacious sickness that
wasn't going to give up! I was sick of being afraid of what others think! Sick
of being afraid of my real self, the self-deep down inside that never came out!
Sick of what others would think of me! So I was done with it, done with being
afraid, and done with feeling like a fake. I started to stand firm in what I
liked and believed in. I would no let others' negative comments and judgmental
glances change my mind.
I realized I
am special and unique. I accepted my weirdness and knew I was free to be
myself. I'm stuck with me all my life, I might as well enjoy me.
Now I like
me because I got acquainted with myself. I kept in my mind God loves me no
matter what and made me just the way he wanted me. I'm awesome because God made
me that way, just like how he made you.
There's a
time in everyone's life where we have a decision to make: will we let other opinions
effect us, or will we be true to ourselves and be real?
You're not normal,
is that okay with you?
Be yourself,
God made you special and loves you how you are. If he wanted you to be better
at sports, he would have allowed you to be so. If he wanted you to be prettier,
he would have made your appearance different. But he didn't do that, he made
you, you because he loves you just the way you are.
So love
yourself. No, its not prideful or wrong. There's a balance, a healthy love.
Because your
awesome and, when those annoying people come along who think otherwise, just
ignore them and hold onto who you are.
You are
You are
created in the image of God.
You have a
mighty destiny God has planned for you.
You are
And that's just the way you're supposed to