Monday, February 23, 2015

Find Your Weirdness

I'm going to be open and be venerable right now and share a little bit about myself. Why? Because I want to encourage you to be yourself.
"Ah, really? Everyone talks about that. Its stupid! I know myself! I'm fine with me! Can't we talk about something else?"
No, because most of the time, right when we think we know who we are, we learn something new about ourselves. First, I will tell you how I used to be. When I was a kid, mostly in middle school (which is everyone’s favorite time in life. Not!) I did not know who I was. Most people don't because that's when everything in life is turn on its head and we think we're going crazy as our bodies change. I didn't know who I was because I was afraid to find out the real me. What if I didn't like me? What if I disappointed me? Worst of all! What if everyone else doesn't like the real me? What will they think? Things you've never thought of before I'm sure. (I hope you can hear my sarcasm.)
I was always afraid of what other people thought of me, especially peers, and I hated myself aid the whole world because of it. I barley knew me, and the few aspects I did, I didn't like.
So what changed? What forced me out of my scaredy cat self? Well, I'll tell you.
I got sick of it. You heard me, I got sick of it. A determined, tenacious sickness that wasn't going to give up! I was sick of being afraid of what others think! Sick of being afraid of my real self, the self-deep down inside that never came out! Sick of what others would think of me! So I was done with it, done with being afraid, and done with feeling like a fake. I started to stand firm in what I liked and believed in. I would no let others' negative comments and judgmental glances change my mind.
I realized I am special and unique. I accepted my weirdness and knew I was free to be myself. I'm stuck with me all my life, I might as well enjoy me.
Now I like me because I got acquainted with myself. I kept in my mind God loves me no matter what and made me just the way he wanted me. I'm awesome because God made me that way, just like how he made you.
There's a time in everyone's life where we have a decision to make: will we let other opinions effect us, or will we be true to ourselves and be real?
Apart From The CrowdI don't understand mankind sometimes, why we all want to be like everyone else. To be normal and not stand out. That doesn't make any sense! No one is 'normal', what does that even mean? Everyone has their odd desires, their unique quirks that are the foundation of their dreams and abilities. I don't want to be normal anymore because that just isn't me. I'm not normal, and I'm okay with that. 
You're not normal, is that okay with you?
Be yourself, God made you special and loves you how you are. If he wanted you to be better at sports, he would have allowed you to be so. If he wanted you to be prettier, he would have made your appearance different. But he didn't do that, he made you, you because he loves you just the way you are. 
So love yourself. No, its not prideful or wrong. There's a balance, a healthy love.
Because your awesome and, when those annoying people come along who think otherwise, just ignore them and hold onto who you are. 
You are special.
You are created in the image of God.
You have a mighty destiny God has planned for you.
You are unique.
And that's just the way you're supposed to be. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Friendship Flows

The heart of a friend is pure
A close friend, as a leaf on a tree
The conversation mends the soul and links hearts
With cords that, though streached by time and distance, bind and hold true
A shoulder to cry on
A hand to hold
A life to take part in
Like two streams flowing together to form a river
Cutting through rocks in their path
And another steam joins, the river roars like a lion on a mission
Together they carry on
Over mountains and hills
Through peaceful meadows and over cliff sides
Firmly together
On their way to the ocean
Their way to home
To join all the other rivers, the other lives, the other hearts joined by cords of their own
To flow together as one life
One kingdom
And one body

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Poet in You

The soul of a poet is the peace in a storm.
WritingYes, the heartbeat of my life is writing novels, but poetry gives a blank page life in a way a story cannot. I do not classify myself as a poet. I do not have to write poetry to function, as I do with writing novels. When I am inspired, a story comes to mind instead of a poem. However! Poetry is a way to express the writer's soul, their life, and how they feel about it, in a way story writing cannot. In this post, I want to encourage you to write poetry!
As I said above, I do not classify myself as a poet. I used to think that poetry was an unnecessary writing theme and, honesty, unpopular. I was wrong. I have a writing buddy who is a poet. That is what he does and I love to see the sparkle in his eyes when we talk about poetry. (He also writes everything on an old fashion typewriter! Now, there's no way I can do that, but he can. Impressive, I'd say.) After discussing with him the meaning of poetry, and reading his really good work, I found poetry needs to be part of every creative writer's life. Click here to check out his website and here to see my interview he posted.
Poetry is a chance to dive deep into your inner soul and find the words that flow like a song, from one word to another. I usually write poems to get out negative emotions and process the world around me. He writes because it shows a clearer expression of the world. Whatever the case may be, write poems! 
When I started to listen to other people's poems, they didn't make that much sense. Now, some poems do, but then there are some where one line does not relate with the other or there is so much imagery and metaphors the reader/listener forgets what the writer is trying to say. And that is okay. Poetry is abstract and, just like a painting on the wall, it is subject to interpretation. Yes, a poem might not make sense. Is that wrong? No, not at all. Poems are more about the feeling behind the words then the words themselves anyways. Don't let this hinder you.
Poems also teach you how to stop thinking critically and with your logical brain and how to let your emotions naturally flow from your pen. As a story writer, my words must make sense and the readers much understand or the plot will be ruined. But! What if my soul focus was telling a story and not the emotion, the heart, behind it? Then it would be empty. It would be meaningless. A book must have a soul, and you are responsible for giving it just that. How? By emotion. By passion. By poetry. By letting your soul connect with the story. And how do you teach your inner self to come close to your stories? By practicing with poetry. 

Poems show life in a new way with flowery words that tickle the ears and provoke ideas. Go on, be a poet, if only for a little bit. Let your mind be still and quiet and allow your poet side, the side the feels and creates and wants so desperately to live, to take the helm. Write nonsense if you have to, but write a poem. Your words will be like a stream that builds with ideas and inspiration until it is a river that will find the ocean! Go find the ocean. It's waiting for you. 

Sunset At Omaha Beach 1