Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Wizard's Legacy book 1: Glossary and Character List

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Black Dwarf – Reserved breed of dwarf who live in the remote territories of Flavency. They have midnight black skin, eyes of black, dark blue, or white, with hair colored black, gray, or white. They hate people and get along with the giants of their land.
Blind ghosts - In Suvarian culture, gouging out the eyes of the dead and or dying is considered a dishonorable death. Thus, the superstition of blind, dishonorable ghosts arose and are feared by many. Also, one may lay a curse on another by foretelling their ghost will be blind or blind ghosts will haunt them.
This curse originated from the War of the Royals once the rebellious Solarics were slain and rightfully blinded. Their bodies were left to rot within the depths of Fogranna Line’s eastern forested edge. Soon after, blind ghosts were seen by commoners searching for their bodies. The eastern side of the forest was abandoned, renamed Deep Wilds, and was reclaimed by the Wilder KinFolk soon after.
Bronn the DogStare – The Head Fang of Fang Kin. He is a ruthless barbarian who hungers for more territories. He is known as a fearless leader with one pale blue eye and one dark brown eye.
Cedany (Sid-any) – Olivia’s lady in waiting who began serving her when they were young.
Cedar Folk – Wilders nestled beside Wolf Kin territory, Cedar Folk, consists of two Kins: Root and Shade Kin. Root Kin is known for its knowledge of herbs, roots, barriers, and so forth in terms of healing and poisoning. Shade Kin is a mysterious, reserved Kin often communing with Wraiths, thus learning dark arts, a little of The Pravus, only a few KinFolks know. Nearly every Flesh Thief derives from Shade Kin.
Charnelic (Char-nell-ick) – The most ruthless of the Suvarian, elvish kindreds. Typically disturbing the peace, taking part in shady activities, and are keen on the dark, gory side of life; Charnelics are rarely trusted. Their skin is pitch black, hair dark, gray, white, silver, or, rarest of all, bronze. Their eyes range from white, gray, and black to amber, rust, and blond. They are the only mortals who have gray eyes, thus thought of as Wraiths at times and killed.
During the War of the Royals, they sided with the rebellious Solarics and, once their rebellion was crushed, fled and became a renegade kindred. The name Charnelic derives from the word charnel, as in a charnel house, which is a building or vault where corpses or bones are piled; also associated with a violent death.  
A putdown for Charnelics is ‘Runners’. When the rebels during the War of the Royals were defeated, the Charnelics were the first to retreat, avoiding slavery and mass slaughter, yet gaining a fend-for-ones-self persona.
Cold Speaker – In Flavency, birds can be trained to speak, using dark arts endowed by Frost Ghosts (the Flavencen name for Wraiths), to send messages. They have the ability to speak, but must speak only to the person intended to receive to prohibit speech. If the recipient is dead, they are free to speak to whomever they chose.
Crimson Rings - When a Song Bearer has reached Seer-hood, The Wizard adorns their wrists to a deep crimson hue, textured with intricate loops, lines, and designs, as a sign of their promoted position.
Crown Haven – Duke Aldret’s estate, closest dwelling to Wraith’s Hollow, and place of refuge for Tulish royalty.
Dar-o-gal (Darr-ow-gal) – White Dwarf mercenary leader who Prince Theron hired to find Lady Olivia. He was formerly a general during the Dragon War.
Duke Aldret (Al-dur-et) – Half-giant, half-human duke who owns Crown Haven, nestled close to Wraith’s Hollow. In Prince Theron’s youth, Duke Aldret taught him strategy, geography, government, leadership, and several other subjects. He is considered a well-respected duke, regardless of his half-human, half-giant origins. His skin is pitch black, eyes a piercing, icy blue, and hands and feet disproportioned because of his half-blood disadvantage.
Elshender – Proxy Elshender is a knight and proxy to Prince Theron. He is a large, well-built man, with long brown hair and a scruffy beard, who fights with two swords. He is the son of Baron Sedrick, though his lower-class upbringing hindered him little in supporting his prince since childhood.
Flavency (Flah-ven-ci) – The northernmost realm, a frozen wasteland, home to dwarfs, giants, and, if legends are true, frost dragons.
Flesh Thief – The Wraith-led craft to taking a skin, from a man or animal, and wearing it like the thief’s own skin. The skin is tightly synched against the thief’s body and, by dark magical means, their body adjusts to fit the skin’s shape, forming a snarling wolf to a graceful lady. The fleshy covering is uncomfortable and must be maintained by constant flexing and rubbing in oils to prevent cracking. The majority of Flesh Thieves are Shade Kin.
Han Ci – The Treeling-infested country across the Ardi’on Sea, adjacent to Tulaun. Treelings dominate the land, happily living alongside snarling werewolves and mischievous pookas. Harts thrive amid the unending forest, however the Jaw Jin, the only humans to live in Han Ci, struggle to survive. Because trees do not require cities, they are few and far between. They worship the goddess of water, Sin Jo Lyn, god of earth, Won Show, god of sunshine, Tee Ahn, and goddess of fire, Yin Yah.
The realm is in constant tension because of Han Ci’s callous nature toward the Rotten Lot: anyone who proves weak, disabled, or rebellious. Lumbermen continually chop down citizens deemed Rotten, selling their wooden pieces to other realms or, if not a Treeling, as slaves. Rebellion is within sight.   
Head – The leader or chief of a Wilder Kin.
Highest Melodies - This collection of songs The Wizard sang to create the worlds. The songs are alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of glass hearts. 5 Nothing can escape the Highest Melodies, its power flowing from The Wizard’s Red Magic. When sung, the Highest Melodies change the environment they are in, bringing warmth, light, gentle winds, and a stirring of one’s soul. Faced with such dangerous might, Wraiths can only surrender, flee, or face The Wizard’s fatal wrath.
KinFolk – Wilders refer to themselves as the KinFolk instead of the word ‘Wilder’. This one word sums up each of the five Folks and every sub Kin.
King Matthias – King of Tulaun, Prince Theron’s father.
Krea (Kree-ah) – Olivia’s lady in waiting. She is an adventurous, uneducated girl who began serving Olivia when they were young.
Lunaris (Loon-ar-ies) – An elvish kindred who typically have pale skin hued creamy white or soft blue, hair of night black or moonbeam silver, and eyes of purple, silver, black, or faded gold. During the War of the Royals, the Lunaris were the first to align with the rightful Solaric rulers. Thus, when the civil war was over, the Lunaris were given a higher standing than the other elvish kindreds: second to the Solarics themselves. A putdown for Lunaris is ‘blindie’, mocking Lunarsis’ blind-like pale eyes. This term reveals the mocker views the Lunaris as an already blind ghost.
Nan – Elderly servant of Olivia, cares for her in a motherly way, yet has her own secret agenda.
Olivia – Lady Olivia is the daughter of Earl Gavin, raised by her uncle, Earl Quinn, after the death of her mother. She is known for her long blonde hair, emerald eyes, and allegiance to The Wizard.
Poisoned air – A derogatory phrase, implying the air is unhealthy and poisoned, and sickness, disaster, and/or death will come soon. It is the most vulgar swear word.  
Pooka – A small, cat-like creature with various colored pelts, golden eyes, human-like hands, and a long, long tail. Known for craving children flesh, pookas thrive in ominous places, can befriend Charnelics, and, though small in stature, have overpowering personalities. They originate from Han Ci and are viewed with high regard within their realm.
Primis – Countess Primis is a highborn lady and aunt to Lady Olivia. When Olivia’s mother died, she was given to Countess Primis for the duration of her childhood. Primis never understood or tolerated Olivia’s youthful spirit.
Proxy – The second-in-command of a master, general, prince, Master Wraith, etc.
Queen Ellis – Queen of Tulaun, mother of Prince Theron, and a darling elderly lady of grace.
Quinn – Earl Quinn is Olivia’s uncle and husband of Countess Primis. He is a quiet, self-centered man bent on demanding respect without offering it to others.
Red – A symbol of The Wizard and a source of his life-giving and deadly power.
Red Master – The title of a Seer mentoring a Song Bearer.
Sacred Creature - A Red item, may it be an animal or thing of nature, which bears a sign and/or message from The Wizard. Examples are a carnal, fox, red oak leaf, red sunset, fire, and blood.
Seer - Individuals who dedicate their life’s work to The Wizard’s leading. They wear red robes, are marked by Crimson Rings, and cannot wear shoes. This helps them stay humble when they walk through unpleasant grounds, for the snow, mud, and rain reminds them they still are mortal and must stay humble. Thus, it is hospitable in Tulish culture to provide a soft piece of fur for a Seer to rest his or her feet upon. Seers can marry, yet few do. They do not have an occupation for The Wizard is their dedication throughout life.
Sea Folk – The Wilder Folk living along the Eastern coast of Deep Wilds, Sea Folk is comprised of three Kins: Sand Kin, Cave Kin, and Tide Kin. Sand Kin is a small, weak Kin hardly worth the other Kins’ time whereas Cave Kin are highly regarded. Cave Kin live in unending cave system carved into Unki’s Face; a seaside cliff face miles long. Because Unki, Wilder’s superior god of war, is made of stones and caves are made of stone, Cave Kin are considered a wise and holy Kin. Most Stone Listeners travel to Cave Kin territory to learn and perfect the art of listening.
Septimus (Sep-tim-us) – The Spellbinder’s right-hand man, formerly bought as a slave, and werewolf of Brodwin Hall.
Sky Folk – The smallest Wilder Folk, Sky Folk once comprised of three Kins: Wind Kin, Cloud Kin, and Storm Kin. Both Wind and Cloud Kin faced elvish warmongers and, because of their fewer numbers, were defeated and obliterated. Storm Kin is the last surviving Kin, mourning the death of their other KinFolk, yet learning from their mistake. They are a spindly, half-naked Kin adorned in tattoos and led by Thurni of Thunder and his faithful woman, Cluda.
Sobriina (Sow-bree-nah) – Mistress Sobriina les Desoreel is a Lunaris, eldest daughter of Master Offron, and warrior. She has long, silken black hair, purple eyes, and tanned skin known for her use of her two anelaces, which she nicknamed her ‘little ladies’.
Solaric (Sol-ar-ick) – The heist class of elvish kindred in Suvaria. They typically have pale skin with freckles either hued dark or light brown, blond, red, or gold. Their hair, long and smooth, is also typically red, blond, golden or white. Eye color can be black, white, red, gold, pale yellow, and, coveted above all, royal blue. They are seen as the royal kindred of elves and the only type to become king and queen. Each kindred of elf treats a Solaric with the deepest respect.
A derogatory term for Solaric is ‘Corncob’. Because they are the highest ranking kindred, they are egotistical and demanding, thus were given the sarcastic metaphor of having a corncob up their butts.  
Song Bearer - Apprentices to Seers who “bear” the songs of The Wizard. Though they are not required to wear red clothing, they cannot wear shoes.
Spellbinder – A mortal who trades their heart for the Wraiths’ Prāvüs. Once exchanged, the mortal’s eyes become gray, like a Wraith’s, and are ruled by Wraiths and the dark powers endowed to them. Sometimes, Wraiths prolong a Spellbinder’s life beyond humanly possible. Spellbinders are feared and nearly unstoppable. Their power exceeds Suvarian Witches, for they give their entire heart to Wraiths, unlike Witches who give piece by piece over a long period of time.
Star Kings - In Suvaria, the Solarics are the only royal bloodline. When an honorable king dies, he becomes a new Star and is worshiped and burned incense to. The Star Kings are thought to guide and protect their people from above as their followers constantly seek to attracted their attention with incense, chants, reflective objects, and flattery.
Stag Folk – The woodsy tribe of the Wilders is Stag Folk. Though only made by two Kins, Bone and Trail Kin, they are notorious hunters and trackers and at one amid animals in the forest.
Stones on bones - A negative exclamation, referring to the Wilders’ way of disrespecting the dead by burying their enemies, alive, under a mound of stones.
The One in Red – Another name for The Wizard, referring to his Red robe.
The Prāvüs (Prah-voos) – The dark magic Wraiths possess. If mortals are exposed to too much of The Prāvüs, they will drop dead. Thus, Wraiths introduce The Prāvüs to mortals in small, manageable doses. The Wizard is the only being unfazed by the deathly force. In Latin, pravus means corrupt, evil, improper, immoral or sinful.
The Wizard – The immortal, Red-cladded Lord who created all things and longs to lead mankind with his wisdom and mercy. He protects his followers against Wraiths while punishing the wicked. He can transform into anything he wishes, teleport anywhere without effort, be invisible, and be located in several places at once. His hair is long and pure white, his eyes a hot silver with fiery glow speckled throughout. He does not have a weapon for he himself is the weapon.
Theron – Prince and heir to Tulaun’s throne, keeper of the Western Border, valiant knight, enemy of the Spellbinder, and betrothed to Lady Olivia. He has sandy blond hair and dark, chocolate eyes.
Tulaun (Too-lahn) - Realm inhabited primarily by humans speckled with centaurs, griffins, a few elves, and occasional immigrant from another nation. The Wizard is worshiped and considered the unseen Lord of all, delegating his songs of wisdom though the Highest Melodies and his Seers.
Unki the Firm (Un-ki) – The Head god of Wilder culture, specifically the god of war. Unki is made of stone and rests in the holy caves of the Cave Kin people. The only time Wilders permit other Kins through their land is when they pilgrimage to Unki’s Cave and worship their barbaric god with fire and chants. The phrase, ‘Unki strike your jaw’, refers to the god’s fist made of stone breaking someone’s jaw and conquering them.
War of the Royals – Ages ago, there was a prince named Jesmon who led a rebellion against his heir twin brother, Prince Debilongo, in order to gain the throne. The war lasted ten years, dividing the realm in two: the Sulphuros and Charnelics siding with Prince Jesmon and the Lunaris and Sylvaines taking up arms with Prince Debilongo. The war ended with Prince Jesmon being killed by Witch Rippers, his eyes blinded, and left to die alone in what is now known as Deep Wilds. Those who aligned with the rebel prince were deemed lower class, slaves, or outcasts whereas those who fought with Prince Debilongo were granted higher positions throughout society.
During this time, Nauvoo Iles was a Suvarian prison and work camp, yet the rebellion weakened Suvarian’s hold over the island chain. Thus, the prisoners escaped, killing their wardens and guards, and claiming Nauvoo Iles for themselves. Suvaria’s realm nearly crumbled, yet King Debilongo restored order and the elvish kindreds continued on.
Warmonger – Suvarian soldier with the leather between metal joints dyed to distinguish between elvish kindreds: Solaric, marigold, Lunaris, blue stone, Sylvaine, juniper green, Sulphuro, pale yellow, and Charnelic, black.
Werewolf – Highly regarded citizens of Han Ci, werewolves are known for their ability to shift between a human and animal form with wolfish characteristics. Their wolf form is a bear-sized monster walking on all fours with clawed, human-like hands and crushing jaws. Their human form is comparable to humans, yet different enough to be recognizable. Their human form is muscular, taller than most humans, their personality overbearing and domineering, and eye color keeping their dog-like character. They sometimes howl at the moon and, for those without shame, feast on others within the realms, may it be elf, human, dwarf, Hart, and others.
White Dwarf – Type of dwarf, found along Flavency’s wastelands, flourishing amid the ice and blizzards. They are the most civil with humans and other beings, sometimes trading with other nations. They are short, stocky creatures with pale skin, white hair, and pasty eyes.
Wilder – The term used by every people group besides Wilders themselves. This one word sums up the entire KinFolk and generalizes each Kin into a stereotype half-naked, barbaric stone worshiper.
Wolf Folk – The largest Wilder tribe is Wolf Folk, comprising of four Kins: Fang Kin, Claw Kin, Howl Kin, and Moon Kin. They are known for their robust, hulky sizes, dressed in wolves’ hide, and fearlessly charging into battle simply for the enjoyment. They are feared, honored, and avoided by most.
Wraith – Immortal demon whose sole purpose is to overtake, consume, and destroy the lives and minds of mortals. They come in various shapes and sizes, all having gray eyes. Though invisible to most, mortals can sense their presence by chills, their breath frosty clouds, and fires dancing in wild winds when the sky is calm. The Wizard is the only force that can conquer a Wraith.
Wraiths are called different things between the realms. In Tulaun, they are called Wraiths and seen as monster-like forms or humans. Suvaria called Wraiths the Night’s Chasm, depicted as phantom, dark apparitions appearing in the night. Han Ci names Wraiths as Yin Yah’s Demons, or Fire Demons, in the embodiment of raging, uncontrollable fire. In Flavency, they are called Frost Ghosts, seen as dead, frozen dwarfs walking aimlessly.
Wraiths cannot die.
Wraith Eyes – Once a Wraith conquers, controls, and/or owns a mortal, that individual’s eyes will turn a shade of distinct gray.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

"Shattered Lives" Chapter 8: The Wizard's Legacy book 1

Chapter 8

Valsara’s Fate

Olivia looked out the window of a narrow, cushioned wagon as she watched Crown Haven’s walls fade away. The battlements were slowly hidden by the Hilled Country’s green knolls and villages. The thunder of horses’ hooves, clink of armor, and hubbub of discussions filled the air.
They journeyed down a dirt road carved out by countless travelers, horses, wagons, and carriers over decades of traffic. A few young trees cast shadows over the road between fields of wheat. It was late morning, and the mist had already lifted from the land. The sun’s warmth grew by the hour, and blue sky broke through the drifting gray clouds.
Olivia could barely make out the tower where Theron and she had secretly met the night before. She smiled as her eyes flickered to the prince beside her, but her smile was short-lived. She glanced ahead past the caravan of knights and servants on foot to a dark green line at the end of the horizon. Wraith’s Hollow was waiting.
Wraith’s Hollow was the tip of a larger forest, Deep Wilds. In turn, Deep Wilds was once part of another woodland, Fogrenna Line. All three woods bordered the other, for the individual three were once one whole forest, whose name had been lost in time. The tree line took root in Suvarian’s northern coastline, the beginning of Fogrenna Line, and curved along the eastern side and south through Suntar’s Pass, becoming Deep Wilds along the way. From there, it grew into Tulaun, and curved to a point between the Flat Plains and Hilled Country, known as Wraith’s Hollow.
The forest’s division was caused by Suvarian’s War of the Royals, a decade of war and rebellion amid the imperial Solarics; the royal elvish kidred. During the civil war, the Charnelics and Sulphuros aligned with the rebellious Solarics whereas the Lunaris and Sylvaine stood beside their Solaric king. The final battle had taken place where Deep Wilds currently lies. The defiant Solarics and their followers were slain and left with eyes gouged out in disgrace. Their bodies were eaten by birds and ravaged by wolves until there was nothing left. Or so the Suvarians thought. In time, blind ghosts were sighted, phantoms of the slain elves. They wandered Fogrenna Line’s eastern side, and every elvish inhabitant fled from the haunted wood.
As time passed, five families of barbaric nature found the abandoned land and settled there. They worshiped stones and called themselves the KinFolk. The five wild families, Wolf Folk, Cedar Folk, Sky Folk, Sea Folk, and Stag Folk, separated and established their own territories. Over time, the families grew to form Kins, separate tribes within the Folks, and a new race of people. Thus, the Wilders were born, and Deep Wilds was established.
Wraith’s Hollow, Deep Wild’s pointed end, was overthrown by Lord Demus, as the legends say, and the Spellbinder allowed every kind of abhorrent creature to infect the wood. The disorienting trees grew so thick that a strong wind was unable to penetrate them. Nothing stirred within the shadowed forest, and many believed all pure life had fled long ago. All that remained was the decay of evil.
Olivia eyed the forest’s dark line that met the sky, knowing the silent trees waited for them. She gulped a quivered breath and turned away, her hands tightly clasped in her lap. A hand came to rest over hers; it was strong and warm. Olivia glanced at Theron and saw that as one hand held hers, the other gripped the hilt of his sword. She smiled and placed her other hand on top of his; she knew he would keep her safe. Sobriina watched them as she sat on the other side of the wagon, Duke Aldret next to her.
Theron took in a slow breath, and looked out the window to Wraith’s Hollow. He lifted his chin and clenched his jaw. Olivia thought he looked less like a prince and more like a knight. That morning, he had checked and rechecked his men-at-arms, Elshender with him every step of the way, saying all was as safe as it could be. The prince had ignored his Proxy, continuing his inspection until he was satisfied.
Theron’s actions flattered Olivia. No one had cared for her as he did and, even though she had just begun to know him, she knew he was sincere. She lifted her chin and looked away from her betrothed, though the gleam of a smile remained in her eyes. They bounced down the road in silence with their cloaks on their laps. “How long will we be in the forest?” she asked.
“Two days,” Theron said. His eyes did not move from the distant forest. “Not unbearably long.”
Olivia’s smile faltered as her brows drew close together. “What if trouble falls, like a Charnelic or vampire or some dark being?”
“We’ll take care of them. Vampires are fables anyways.” She scowled as he motioned to the ring of armed men who rode on horseback around the wagon. “They’re my finest men. I’m sure that they shall easily take care of whatever comes, if anything does.”
Olivia nodded as she whispered a sigh. “And Valsara, she’ll help,” she muttered.
“Oh, um, Valsara. My double. It is amazing we are not twins; The Wizard must have known I needed her. We are almost identical. Same height. Same weight. Same hair and length. Same skin, though hers is a touch darker.”
Theron and Sobriina exchanged glances as they sat across from one another. “Um . . .” the she-elf mumbled, “my lady—”
“Are you certain this Valsara came with you?” Theron asked.
Olivia’s eyes narrowed. “Why, of course she did. She would never be left home during a journey like this! She is here! Isn’t she?”
Theron’s grip of Olivia’s hand tightened. “I’ll still keep you safe.”
Olivia gasped with a shake of her head. “Why isn’t she here?”
Krea gave Olivia a glance as she walked beside the wagon behind Cedany and Nan, their feet coated with dust from the road. Olivia noticed her quiet look. “Krea!” The lady-in-waiting jumped. “What are you not telling me?” Krea turned to Cedany for help, but did not respond. “Krea, what do you know?”
“My lady, I can’t say,” Krea mumbled. “Countess Primis’s orders.”
Olivia’s mouth dropped open as she looked to her aunt and uncle in their own wagon. They were drinking wine and staring out the window like a pair of solemn statues. Her eyes narrowed. “Where is Valsara?” she whispered.
Nan sighed and laid a hand on the wagon’s window as she walked beside it. “Me lady, Valsara’s run off. No one knows where she’s at.”
Olivia shook her head. “No, Valsara would not do such a thing. Something must have happened!”
Nan stared at her, but said nothing.
Olivia swallowed hard. “Something did happen. What? Nan, tell me!”
“No one knows, me lady.”
Olivia looked away and closed her eyes. She thought back to the last time she saw Valsara, a few days before their journey to Crown Haven began. Valsara had been helping Nan pack food for the saddle bags. She would not run away. She is too loyal! Too valuable! What happened to her? Olivia swallowed. She said nothing as her heartbeat quickened with dread.
Sobriina leaned toward Olivia, her brow furrowed with concern. “Our Prince Theron’s men are the shining gem of knights throughout all the kingdom, dear Lady Olivia,” she said. “They will guide us faithfully to Henricien. No darkling could find victory there.”
Duke Aldret glanced at the Lunairs as he sat next to her, but stayed quiet. Olivia shook her head and looked between her aunt and uncle and ladies-in-waiting, her mind whirling in thought.
Sobriina studied Olivia and lifted her chin. “You do not believe me, my lady? I still see fear’s hold in your eyes.” Olivia lifted her chin and opened her mouth, but no sound came out. “Your mind takes in my words,” Sobriina said, “yet your heart is uncertain.”
Olivia looked away, and color heated her cheeks as the three pairs of eyes watched her. A laugh suddenly lifted from her. “It seems you know me better than I know myself. But Valsara . . .”
Sobriina grinned. “I shall try a second approach to convince you of our safe travels; it might be more effective than before. I have ventured through Wraith’s Hollow before.”
Olivia’s mouth dropped open as her eyes bulged. “By the Silver Eye,.” she whispered. “Did you know, my lord?” Theron nodded and Duke Aldret stared at Sobriina with wide eyes.
“Did you come upon the mysterious tower?” Theron asked. “I forgot to ask you when you first told me of your travels.” She shook her head and turned away.
“Did you travel alone?” Olivia whispered in awe. “You must have been guarded by seasoned warriors!”
“Yes, a portion of my father’s warmongers joined me. I have been shown the art of weaponry as well,” Sobriina said. “Not like Celeste. Hum. Such an odd one she is.”
Theron’s eyes narrowed. “Who’s that?”
“Oh, my younger sister. Anyway, I am comfortable with anything, may it be bow, mace, sword, or dagger. My heart turns more to the anelace, however. Something about the sword being short and sweet, I think.”
“I see,” Olivia said. “Do you have one on you now?”
Sobriina grinned and straightened her back with pride. “I have two.” Theron’s eyes widened. The wagon wheel suddenly fell into a divot, and rattled the passengers. They grabbed the walls, the open windows, and each other so as to not fall from their seats. In a moment, the road evened out and the horses snorted and stomped onward.
Olivia heaved a sigh and pulled away from Theron. She had not realized she was clutching him so hard. She adjusted her done-up hair, and leaned closer to the she-elf. “However did you survive Wraith’s Hollow?”
Duke Aldret gave Olivia a sideways glance and shook his head. “Why so dramatic? It is a dangerous wood, yes, but so is every other country road.”
Olivia frowned and sat back against her seat. “Why travel with us, Duke Aldret? You are not needed, are you?”
“The king commanded me to join. I believe he wishes my support in your matrimony. I will mentor and guide when the king or myself sees fit.”
“I see.”
“Wraith’s Hollow is still dangerous, yet not as drastic as my lady believes,” Sobriina continued. “However, The Wizard was merciful. When we ventured off Savior’s Way, my soul should have drifted from me on several counts, our lives were threatened so, but he barred its escape. And we shall travel down Savior’s Way, my lady. The forest’s single road is much safer than anywhere else in the wood. Therefore, the loss of Valsara will not bring dire consequences. You are safe with the prince’s men, and again, my lady, Savior’s Way is eerie, yet not as hostile as you believe.”
Duke Aldret, who had said very little the entire journey, turned and faced her. “Why travel through such perils? ’Tis rash to leave Savior’s Way.”
“I was not alone, my lord. My family’s Defender accompanied me; Defender Durno De Sheem.” Sobriina’s purple eyes flashed at the half-blood and her jaw clenched. “And it was anything but a rash act. I had to save my father!”
Theron glanced between her and Aldret.
Olivia watched Sobriina in thoughtful silence. “What, um . . . what did you find? Or are we prying into cracked areas of your heart?”
“No, no, it does not distress me to speak of it.” Sobriina waved a dismissive hand with a smile. “As I said, my father was ill. No herb rooted in healing or plea to The Wizard could restore his breaking body. Therefore, after searching throughout Suvaria and seeking the wisdom of Healers and physicians alike, I left my home and sought after a cure as fast as my feet could fly. And I found myself there, my men and I . . . in Wraith’s Hollow. There was nothing of value along Savior’s Way; therefore, we had to search deeper. Away from the security of the road. And, amid the trees with all the shadows and coldness on one’s flesh, it did seem, well . . . Wraith-ridden.” Olivia swallowed hard and clasped Theron’s hand.
“And yet,” Sobriina said as a grin lit her purple eyes. “Yet, as the minstrel GarishVerse said, The One in Red is still the master of the trees. And that He is. Then. Now. And forevermore.” Sobriina looked Olivia in the eyes and sighed. “The Wizard sang us a remembrance. Do you recall how it goes, my lady?” At this, the she-elf lifted her head and began to sing:
Fear not the terrors of the night
Nor the arrow that flies in midday.
To not dread the disease that stalks in darkness
nor the disaster that strikes in midday.
A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand may be dying around you,
but these evils will not touch you. 1
Olivia closed her eyes as the melody washed over her. “That he promised,” Sobriina said, “and his promises are our armor and protection. Take heart, my lady.” Sobriina patted her hand. “Take heart. These evils will not touch you.”


Highest Melodies Reference

  1. Psalms 91:5-7 – Fear not the terrors of the night nor the arrow that flies in midday. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness nor the disaster that strikes in midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand may be dying around you, but these evils will not touch you. 

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 “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”

~ 2 Corinthians 4:7
Hearts like fragile clay jars.
Fragile like glass.

Hearts of glass.

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

"Shattered Lives" Chapter 7: The Wizard's Legacy book 1

Chapter 7

A Secret Meeting

Theron cleared his throat as he sat on a bench beside a window. He was seated in the passageway between the Lesser and Greater Halls where Olivia and he had first laid eyes on one another. He thought she would appreciate that. Didn’t women like such sentimental things?
He stared out the window to the courtyard below, and watched the wind play with the fruit trees. The moonlight was clear and crisp, and the stars covered the sky like leaves cover a tree. He pulled his cloak, rimmed in fox pelts, closer to himself and breathed out a slow, controlled breath to calm his nerves. It did not help.
The castle was still, as most people lay in bed, lost in sleep. A few guards walked the battlements, illuminated by intervals of fires that burned bright orange against the darkness. A few servants hurried about, completing unfinished chores. The bread maker busied himself with the next day’s batch, and the candlestick maker finished her last vat of wax with a yawn and red-eyed stare. Other than that, the fortress was silent.
A handful of Theron’s closest men knew of his secret meeting with Olivia. One stood in silence beside him, torch in hand. Elshender and another went to escort Lady Olivia to the passageway. Theron watched several bats dart through the courtyard in sporadic loops and a distant wolf howled. He shuddered and hoped it was not an ill omen.
Theron cleared his throat again and looked down at his hands. He found they shook, and he had to turn away. This was ridiculous! He had met with this girl twice now! Why all these restless nerves? He closed his eyes and willed his heart to stop its violent pounding. He let out a slow breath and opened his eyes. “Wizard help me. . .”
Footsteps fell on the stone floor, and Theron turned to face them. Olivia, her eyes wide and hands firmly held together, came into the soft light of the torch. Her eyes darted to the knights about her, then to the prince. She turned away. Theron frowned; he had frightened her. He inwardly cursed and stepped forward as she and approached. He took hold of her hands and swallowed hard.
“My lady, I did not mean to alarm you,” he said. He was surprised his voice sounded so calm. Olivia glanced at him, her shoulders rigid and lips in a thin line. She said nothing, and fixed her eyes on the ground. “I only wish to know you.”
Olivia took in a sharp breath and whispered, “And how, my lord, do you propose we do that?”
Theron lifted his chin and he stepped back. “Only to talk . . . nothing more. I am a man of honor.”
Olivia looked up at him and searched his face, the curve of his mouth, the sincerity of his gaze, and his soft hold of her hand. Her shoulders loosened as she let out a whispered breath.
Theron shook his head. “Nothing more, my lady . . .” He grinned and cleared his throat. Theron motioned her toward Elshender. “Allow me to introduce you to Sir Elshender.” The large man looked down at her and bowed low. “He is my Proxy. We have charged into battle time and again. He has saved my life more than I can count.”
“My lady,” Elshender whispered, and took her hand with a firm grip. He kissed it casually, and stepped back deeper into the shadows.
“Now—” Theron swallowed hard and forced a smile.
A small grin lined Olivia’s lips; he realized she knew he was more anxious than she was. He lifted his chin and continued, trying to ignore his coiling stomach. “Where’s your favorite place in Crown Haven?”
“Um . . .”
“Anywhere. We’ll go there, anywhere at all.”
Olivia’s eyes darted back and forth before a smile lit her eyes. “There’s one place . . . a balcony. It has a grand view—but now it is night. . . .”
“We will see the land in a new light, then. There’s a full moon.”
She nodded at Theron’s words.
“Lead on, my lady.” He stepped back and bowed as Olivia moved ahead of them. The silent few walked along the darkened hallways, their breath and light feet the only thing heard. Olivia led them down hallways, around corners, and finally to the tower’s stairway. Once they reached the top, she heaved open the door, and fresh air breezed across her face and caught up her hair.
Theron watched the moon light her smooth skin and highlight her pleasing curves. She’s beautiful. His heart pounded against his chest. He cleared his throat and looked away before he let his mind wander. He glowered and clenched his jaw. Stones on bones. . .
“Here we are, my lord,” she whispered.
Theron stepped back and did not look at her, though he wanted to. He turned and faced Elshender as he reached for the door. “Stand here and let no one in.” Elshender nodded and turned to the men beside him.
“Now.” Theron took in a breath as he faced her. “Let’s see this view you spoke so highly of.”
Theron placed his hands behind his back as the two walked to the balcony’s edge. He gazed out across the moonlit countryside, his eyes narrowed in the darkened hours. A symphony of crickets chirped from behind Crown Haven’s wall, and the occasional owl soothed the night with its song. They could smell crisp rain and knew clouds rumbled across the horizon out of sight. A wind sharply raced against the tower, and stroked all things with its cold hands. Orange dots of village fires speckled the land beyond the castle’s wall, and told of other lives with tales to tell.
Theron had come to the tower several times before, once with his mother, even. But tonight was different. Tonight he was with his wife-to-be, his future queen. Theron glanced at Olivia as she drew her shawl close against herself and breathed in the night air. Now that they were alone, he had no words to say. The night before, they had talked freely with one another, but now. . .
“The wind must be chasing its shadow tonight,” he blurted out, scrambling for a conversation to begin.
Olivia laughed, though her eyes did not smile. Theron moved to her side, but stayed an arm’s length away, and the two stared in silence. He watched her out of the corner of his eye. She kept looking at him, but saying nothing. Theron gritted his teeth. He let out a slow breath as his heart slammed in his chest. What was wrong with him? He had killed Wilder hoards and chased the survivors back into Deep Wilds, by the Silver Eye! He could talk to a woman! Theron flexed his hands to keep them warm, and nervously cleared his throat.
“Lady Olivia—”
“My lord—”
They both stopped and stared at one another. Theron smiled and looked away with a chuckle as Olivia tried to smile.
“Carry on. What is it?” he said with a grin.
“Well, I just—” Olivia swallowed hard. “I have heard you are a knight of valor.” Theron gave a half smile and turned away, shifting from one leg to the other. “You protect us from Wilders along the Western Border?”
            “Any Wilders, my lady.”
            “I hear they are a ruthless bunch. Are the stories true in their bloody and barbaric tales?”
Olivia hushed as a muscle in Theron’s jaw flexed, and his eyes darkened with protective hostility. She stepped back and whispered, “You want to kill them all, don’t you?”
Theron lifted his chin and looked away. “I’ve seen what those barbarians are capable of. I don’t want my kingdom threatened by their sadistic ways. They’re as bad as Charnalics.” He glanced at the land and his eyes narrowed.
Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Olivia’s gaze trace a scar marking his right hand and a gouge in his collar. His hands were balled into tight fists. “Are the stories true?” she asked, her voice hushed and low. “Do they eat their weak children and worship stones? Are Flesh Thieves real, and can they . . . can they really live in a skinned corpse’s flesh?”
Theron did not answer for a moment, faded screams echoing in his mind. “Sometimes stories are just stories. But not every time. Not. . .” His voice trailed off, a muscle in his jaw clenched.
Olivia’s eyes widened as she stared at him. She hugged her arms around herself as the breeze grew. “What, ah . . . what other aspects of life do you find interesting?”
Theron looked at her and cleared his throat, the sudden gloom enshrouding him lifting. “Uh . . . I enjoy riding horses and griffins and—”
A gleeful grin broke through Olivia’s solemn demeanor.
Theron stopped and smiled. “Why this sudden joy?”
“Griffins.” A sparkle lit Olivia’s emerald eyes. “I’ve always dreamed of riding such creatures. They’re truly grand, and the king of all creatures!”
Theron chuckled. “Not a common beast for ladies, I’m told.”
Olivia looked away and lifted her chin defiantly. “If a prince can lie about being a messenger, I may be curious about griffins.”
“I did not lie!” Theron laughed. “I am a knight, as I appeared, and I did have a message for you.”
Olivia’s brows rose. “A prince does not customarily deliver his own messages.”
“I . . .” Theron sighed. “Stones on bones.”
Olivia grinned.
“You know, I can introduce you to some. Griffins, that is.”
“Oh, could you?” Olivia’s eyes widened. “I would love to learn how to ride them! It would be so nice to learn to fly.” She looked down at her hands, then up into the sky. An owl sailed overhead, its wings pulled against the wind as its orange eyes hunted for a meal. “To be up there, amidst the clouds and stars.” She sighed as Theron watched her gaze dreamily into the heavens. “To be free . . .”
Theron’s smile faded. “Might I ask? Do you not consider yourself as free?”
Olivia swallowed hard and pulled her shawl even closer to herself. “Not as free as I might wish,” she mumbled.
And what holds you captive, my lady? Theron’s eyes narrowed as he searched her long face.
She heaved a sigh and turned to the horizon. “My father and mother are very good people, very loving. I only remember feelings about them and a few hazy images. Nothing more.” Olivia paused; Theron watched her take in a deep breath as her shoulders sagged.
“My mother died giving birth to my younger brother, Falcure. Father was very . . . He did not know what to do. It was difficult for him. Too difficult, in fact. So, he sent me to my uncle, Earl Quinn. I have lived with them ever since. And they are. . .” Olivia's eyes narrowed. “They are not like my mother and father.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, but he knew that was not enough to soothe the wound.
Olivia smiled, though her eyes were dulled, and looked up at him. “Yes, well. . .” She sighed again and brushed hair behind her ear as it waved about her. “That was a long while ago. My uncle and aunt taught me what is good and right. . . They did their best.” Olivia glanced at the gray moon.
Theron watched her as he fought to find the right words. What could be said? He shook his head and decided to stay quiet. The distant conversations of the guards drifted from the towers as their fires waved against the growing wind. A bat shot past, mouth open in silent cries. The air dampened with the freshening smell of rain held in the bellowing clouds above.
“So.” Theron cleared his throat. “What an interesting performance tonight. Don’t you think?” He saw her glance toward Wraith’s Hollow with tensing shoulders.
“Indeed.” Her voice was low, and she turned away from the dark forest.
Theron’s eyes narrowed and he stepped forward. He took hold of her hands and looked her in the eyes. Olivia tried to pull back, but stopped herself, though she did not meet his gaze. “I apologize for that Lord Demus tale,” Theron whispered. “I didn’t know they would retell such a troublesome legend. Yet, I will protect you. Always.”
Olivia glanced up at him with a start.
“If danger falls on us in that unholy forest, I will fight for you.”
Olivia turned away, taken back. Her eyes fluttered frantically, as though never hearing such sincere reassurance before. She swallowed hard and took in a breath. “Is there any way around it?”
Theron shook his head. “The Wilders are becoming braver each year. They have been sighted between the Flat Plains and the coast. Too dangerous. Too—”
“More dangerous than to risk entering Wraith's Hollow? Risk falling into Lord Demus’s hands?” She motioned to the distant forest, her brow furrowed.
“My finest men will be with us. They have battled dark beasts before. Besides, all that hides in that forest are old hags who are entertained by tricking travelers.”
Olivia shook her head.
“We may be lucky and catch a sighting of the high tower the legends speak of. It is said that whoever sees it will travel through safely, if that would comfort you.”
“It is a simple tower and said to be in the northeast, far from Savior’s Way,” Olivia mumbled.
Theron sighed. “My lady.” He lay a hand on her shoulder and she looked at him. “I will not leave your side. If the legends are true, then my sword shall always be ready. Ready for anything. Do not fear. And The One in Red brought us together. He will not allow us to be separated by such beasts of darkness.”
Olivia looked him in the eyes and slowly nodded. Her grip on his hand tightened. “Thank you,” she whispered. She let go of his hands and stepped back; he stayed where he was, for he did not want her to move away. The wind grew strong and forced itself against the two. Olivia shivered and tried to wrap her cloak tighter around herself, as though to squeeze as much heat from it as she could. “We should go inside.”
“Aldret will learn of our meeting if we speak inside.” Theron glanced at the door, then to her. “He has eyes everywhere, I swear. We could meet another time. . .” But he did not want her to leave. Not yet. Please not yet. He stepped toward her. Olivia watched him, but said nothing. The wind struck against them with force, and grabbed their clothes and hair. The chill seeped through their coverings, springing an idea to Theron’s mind.
“Here.” He pulled off his cloak and draped it over her slender shoulders.
Olivia shook her head with a raised hand. “My lord—”
“Take it. Please.” Olivia held still, but the wind grew strong once more and whipped her hair across her face. She took the cloak and snuggled into it. She closed her eyes as the warmth thawed her fingers and shoulders. Theron smiled and looked away, his arms crossed to keep away the cold. The two looked out on the country they would rule. The stars at the horizon began to black out, one by one, as rain clouds rolled in. The bats had gone into hiding and the owl swooped away to find shelter.
Olivia took in a breath. “What’s it like?”
“What’s what like?”
“Riding a griffin.”
Theron smiled as memories flowed through his mind. “Oh, it’s like you’re on top of the world. And the wind is roaring and your hair and clothes are flying . . . and there’s nothing to stop you.”
“That sounds wonderful.” Olivia sighed. “I’ve always wanted wings, to fly away, like a harpy. To sprout wings instead of arms, and bird’s feet instead of legs, as they have. And to go on an adventure.”
“We can go on adventures.”
Olivia did not respond as she notably avoided his gaze. He opened his mouth to question her silence, but thought better of it.
“What about you?” Olivia asked. “What of your family?”
A muscle in Theron’s jaw tightened. He was silent for a moment as he chose his words carefully, so as not to shame the king’s name. The cold night was suddenly sharper than before. “I . . . My mother and I are close.”
“Hum . . . I thought so. You seem to know the ways of a woman, how to speak gently and what to keep to yourself. And what of the king?”
The corner of Theron’s mouth twitched. “Father demands much.”
“I should hope so.” Olivia smiled as she glanced up at him. “You’re the king-to-be.”
Theron did not smile. His glassy heart shuddered at the images of the aged, crowned man. Theron looked up to the sky; he did not want to think of his father.
“As you said.” His voice was as flat and impassive as possible. “They did their best.”
“Indeed. That is all they can do.”
Theron took a deep breath, not letting the old man ruin another good moment. Not this one. He gritted his teeth, the cold against his flesh nothing against the cold inside him.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” she whispered. A smile softened his darkened stare. “I . . . I am beginning to see that The Wizard has found a . . . how’d you say it? A true man for me.” Theron gently nodded. Olivia frowned. “But . . . to be purely honest. . .” He looked at her. “I have to admit I am still. . .”
“Nervous?” She nodded, apologetically watching his expression. “We’re in this together,” Theron said. Olivia’s creased brow smoothed as her moist lips parted. “Don’t worry.” Theron grinned. “The Wizard will guide us.”
Olivia nodded and let out a sigh, smiling. “He’s good like that.”
            “Yes. He’s always benevolent. . . To the very end.” They stood in silence, and a guard shouted suddenly, though his words were not directed at them. Theron glanced at her and eyed her stray, golden locks as they whipped about. The rest was done up in a tight braid. “I thought you liked your hair down and free.”
            Olivia’s eyes narrowed. “’Tis improper. I am a lady, not a she-elf.”
            “Ah, but it’s the real you, isn’t it?” Olivia did not answer. “And that’s who I long to be acquainted with.”
            Theron watched a smile curve her lips upward. With a look to the right and left, she grabbed her hair and undid the braids until her hair flowed down her back. Olivia shook her head and ran her fingers through the fine, golden strands. The wind tossed it here and there, like a sea of sunshine. “I’m pleased you don’t mind me like this.” She sighed.
            “I’m pleased you’re you.”
            “Oh!” Olivia looked up at him with a smug grin. “You hardly know me, my prince!”
“Come now.” Theron smiled and moved closer. “A girl who explores castles, who throws fiddles at knights, and meets with strange men without a guardian’s consent—”
“Shhh!” Olivia giggled.
“—is a girl who likes her hair down.”
Olivia bit her lip and looked him in the eyes. “You’re not a prince.”
Theron’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”
“Princes aren’t like you. They’re so serious, so official.”
“I can be a prince if you wish.”
“No.” Olivia shook her head. “I like you this way better.”
Theron smiled and grunted. “You are quite an odd find. . . In a good way, of course.”
Olivia’s eyes narrowed. “I think you meant to say I am the most beautiful woman in all the realms! More elegant than a Suvarian she-elf; as refined as a Solaric and graceful as a Lunaris!” She grinned as her eyes danced with amusement.
Theron nodded. “Yes, yes, that was on the tip of my tongue, but I . . . yes, was just going to say that.”
Olivia laughed and shook her head. Theron smiled and she took his hand with her gentle fingers. With a gasp, she seized his hands and stared at them. “They are ice!”
“I’m fine. Truly, I—”
“We are going in.” Olivia pulled him toward the door, though he did not want to leave. “You should not have done that,” she muttered over her shoulder, yanking the door open and pulling him inside.
“Would you rather I had not?”
Olivia ducked her head and looked away. “I. . .” She let go of his hand and color rushed across her cheeks and nose. “Maybe not.”
Theron smiled and rubbed his arms to warm them. Olivia glanced at him with a grin, and handed him back his cloak. He took it and thanked the One in Red for giving him such a fine treasure.


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 “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”

~ 2 Corinthians 4:7
Hearts like fragile clay jars.
Fragile like glass.

Hearts of glass.

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