Every new year, this is one of the things people ask one another: "So, um . . . what's your New Year's Resolution, pal?"
I don't know what resolution even means! And its all a joke, if you really think about. Honestly, dose anyone ever continue their resolution after three days (or three minuets, depending on who you are)? I think everyone's exspected to have a resolution and at the same time we're exspected not to keep it. It's kind of a louse louse situation. And yes, I guess there's those amazing type 'A' personalities that "get 'er done" and follow through with their plans. But I don't think most people are like that (and this is comming from a girl who has never had a New Year's Resolution. Why? Because I know I won't keep doing it and then feel bad about myself, think I'm so horrible, and not do anything about it.)
But! There's hope! I think I know the problem!
It's called a New Year's Resolution, right? Whoever thought of this crule game should have changed the tytle. Instead of new year's, it should be New Day's Resolution. If you only resolve to do something once a year, nothing will get done. However, if it is a daily resolution, a firm dicission to do, or not do, such and such, then I believe the goal can be acheaved.
Think about it.
It's a daily dissision, an hourerly choise, a minet's deturmination. That's how people get stuff done, therefore, I'm going to be brave this year and have a New Day's Resolution (Year's, whatever). I'm very excited about it and I know it's entierly original, I bet no one else has ever thought of it before!
So what are you going to do for your New Day's Resolution? What are you going to daily decide to do to better yourself?
Please post below and have a happy new year!
By the way, my resolution is to exsersie more as well as, and more importantly, do one thing every day to draw closer to God. I encourage you to do the same. You'll be surprised (in a good way) by what happens!
I hope you sence my sarcasum.
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