It was about lukewarm Christians.
Oh, what's that you ask? It's people who go to church and put on their "Jesus' loves you this I know" masks, call everyone their brother and sister, and have all the P's and Q's down. Then when they leave church and their pastor's praying eyes, they take off the masks, and start acting like an average, unsaved person who has never felt God's grace or heard the truth in the Bible. That is a lukewarm Christian. They're grouse, nasty, and all over the place! And the worst part is . . . its very easy to become one.
I look around and see so many people like this. Now, don't get me wrong, I have a lot of masks (everyone does to be honest) and I'm not saying I've got it all figured out. I don't. Not at all. But this is something I've been noticing, something that has to stop. My sister and I both admitted it's difficult to see our peers at church, in their Sunday best with the biggest smiles, then, during the week, hear them drop the 'F' bomb and act like the common Jo. That's not how Christians are supposed to be like. At all! Did Jesus do that? Ever?
Yes. The world is watching. They look to Christians to see if this Jesus stuff is all its cracked up to be. So, what if a Christian isn't acting like they should? What dose that say to people who don't believe in God? What kind of message dose that send?
"I don't want to go to church. This one guy treated me like dirt when we broke up and he went to church."
"A friend said she was a Christian, but . . . then we'd party on the weekends like there's no tomorrow!"
"I knew a Christian once. Thought they were better then everyone; made me sick!"
My sister and I concluded on this: Figure out what side you're on. Are you for God? Then be for God all the way. No half efforts. No face smiles. No masks. If you're not sure, then decide. I'm not the only one who wants Christians to decide. Jesus put in His two cents in Revelation: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other," (Revelation 3:15)!
There you have it. Even Jesus wants people to decide. So. . . .
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