When you walk into a room where people are talking, and all you hear is, " I'd rather do it with my pants off."
If you, as a girl, walk into the girls bathroom and a man walks out of one of the stalls. "Oh no," you exclaim! "Am I in the men's restroom?" The man just glares at you and you realize it's a very ugly, very indistinguishable woman.
Pretend your texting someone by talking to your phone. You were just asked how was work. You tell your phone, " I'm pooped. It was hard. I had to take a bath and go to bed." But! Your phone misses one letter: "m". So, the response you send is "I pooped. It was hard. I had to take a bath and go to bed."
Let's say you're at a river watching several people swim. One guy has two or so tennis balls he has thrown into the river for his dog. He doesn't notice, but one of the balls start to float down the river. To help him notice and save the ball, you shout loud enough for him to hear above the water's roar and people's play, "Sir! Did you come with two balls?"
Pretend you come across someone you don't really like who makes you nervous. You expect them to ask how you are doing. So, without thinking about it, you respond "Good, how are you?" even though all they said was, "Hi!"
A long distance friend has come to see you. You haven't talked with her for a year so it's nice to catch up. She turns to the guy next to her and says that he is her husband. You didn't even know she was dating someone! And so, as your brain is racing with shock, wondering why you're not married yet, why you weren't even told she got married, and realizing how long you haven't seen your friend, you make yourself look like an idiot by saying, "Nnnnnniiiiiiicccceeeee . . . . . . to meet you!"
And the list can go on and on with crazy situations. Just so that you are aware, I didn't make any of these scenarios up. They either happened to me or my family members. Life's full of moments where you to decide to laugh or cry. Choose to laugh. You're a silly person who make silly mistakes, we all are. Life's more fun and relaxed when you can laugh at yourself.
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