Monday, October 19, 2015

How to Kiss

You're first kiss! What a magical thing! When you press your lips against someone elses and feel all their lip wrinkles and a little bit of spit after eating a hamburger and a dozen onion rings.
Hee-tee, I had to say that!
Kissing, when you boil it down, is kind of odd. Why would two people take their mouths, that they use to eat ALL SORTS of things with, and smoosh them together for a while. Oh, with eyes closed. (My fiance promptly told me when, we kissed the first time, that most people don't keep their eyes open. Well, how should I know? I don't know what I was doing?!)
With kissing, I've learned some things about it. 1) its a lot of fun! 2) you can do it wrong.
Here's some do's and don't with kissing. ;)


  • KNOW THE OTHER PERSON! Don't just kiss around! You only have one first kiss, don't waist it one someone who won't aprishiate it.
  • Respect the other person. My fience and I believe sex is for marriage, therefore we have boundrys we try really hard not to cross. I respect him by not overly stimulating him, and vis versa. (Please don't think we're perfect, stingy christians! This is one of the most difficult test of self-control of my life.)
  • Enjoy it! Don't get wierded out like I did. I over think things sometimes and, well, squishing my mouth over my fiance's sounded strange. It's not. Just do it.
  • Give to the other person. No one ever told me you can tell if you're being kissed because the other person needs a kiss, or if they're wanting to give you a kiss. When I say give, I don't mean give your body. Give your attention and heart in the kiss.

  • No fish-lips! Lips can move in different ways so don't pucker up and just live 'em like that! No one want's to kiss a fish.
  • Please don't be squished into a lazyboy chair and crain the girl's head back to kiss her. That's an odd first kiss, believe me. My neck hurt!
  • Be carfule of spit. It happends, alright. 
  • Please, for the love of God, respect other people! Don't start making out on the couch when there's people around; that'll make them uncomfortable and aquward. 
  • Don't eat before kissing: Pizza, onions, Mexican, eggs, and something that makes you burpy. ;)
  • Don't kiss all the time. It's special because your special. 

That's all I can think of for now. What about you? Do you have any insight into the art of smooching? 


Dreams are like Fireflies

There has been one dream that I have had almost all my life and that is to publish books. BOOM! Got that one checked off the list! Yes! But. I have more dreams and, to be honest, I’m afraid of them.

I have been learning a lot about dreams and what to do with them.
Dreams are like fireflies caught in a glass jar; they’re cool to look at but no one ever knows what to do with them. That’s how I feel anyway.
I love books. Like a lot. I enjoy sitting down and reading a story, but that’s not what I mean when I refer to books. I LOVE formatting books and designing them, I love opening a box and finding books inside, books I have created, or helped create. Which brings me to my dream:
I would love to begin a book formatting business that act as a representative for authors to my publishing company. How cool is that?! Doesn’t that sound awesome? I think it does, very much, but what do I do now? I have my firefly caught in a jar. It’s flying around, all aglow with beauty, but what do I do?
This is what I have been learning with dreams, and my mentor is so wonderful in encouraging me! If a dream doesn’t scare you, then it’s not big enough. God is a real powerful Guy, He can make things happen that we could never do on our own! But, there is one stipulation. . . .
A dream that God is willing to bless is one that He wishes to happen. Makes sense. If He don’t want it, He ain’t blessing it. I wouldn’t either (praise God I’m not god though!) If you have a dream that is outside God’s will for your life, then DON’T DO IT! But what if it’s a good thing, something you know He’ll like? So what. Don’t do it. It might not be good for right now, but it will be perfect later in life.
For example, I have dreamed of marring my boyfriend for a whole year. I wanted to marry him last summer, but God said no. I knew God brought us together and that He wanted us to marry, but He said no? What’s that about? Six months later, I know why. We weren’t ready for such an in-depth level of a relationship. We had yet to learn the heart of the other and be willing to honor it. Now, after waiting on the Lord and doing as He says, we’re engaged! (He! Ha! He asked yesterday!!! XD) Were we out of God’s will in wanting to marry? No, but we weren’t ready yet.
You many have a dream that you are not ready to for. And that’s ok. There’s nothing wrong with that.
So what are you going to do with your firefly?
I know God is a-ok for me to begin formatting and publishing other people’s books. I can’t wait to begin! I’ve already published one man’s work, which you’ll see by clicking here. I know it is the first of many and I’m excited to turn ANY writer’s dream into a reality. So, if you have a finished book you want to be printed, put on Amazon, and or made into an e-book, let me know. Click here to message me.
I’m sure God will take my firefly and make it shine bright! He already has with my dream to publish books.
So, dream big and give your fireflies to God. He knows what to do.